
Green Peace Secondary School


    Kohalpur-12, Chappargaurhi Banke, Nepal

Annual Examination 2080     Holiday Notice     Exam Routine for second terminal 2080    

Introduction to Green Peace Secondary School

kohalpur-12, chappargaurhi, Banke

Student Assembly

morning routine

Worlds Environment Day

celebrating worlds environment day with our dearest students


Green Peace School established in clean, green modern city of Kohalpur has passed its 29 successful years and is now on its way ahead thriving and becoming a piece, replete with scholastic royal jelly to be served to the up-coming generation with the aims and objectives of generating mindful manpower, physically fit, socially sound and emotionally enthusiast to build 'New Nepal' really anew. Following the founding foray of private schools all over the country, Green Peace School was conceived in 2051 Bikram Era (1994 AD). To address the aspiration of conscious guardians of different walks of life in this region, it emerged with a different school of thought and approach. Despite hundreds of hurdles and hardships, we have been giving service to the country and community unabatedly, providing quality education within the reach of every citizen. First batch of this school appeared in the SLC examination for the first time in 2058 B.S (2001 A.D). And now at the time of celebrating the Silver Jubilee, 19th Batch is being prepared to be appeared in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) -the SLC's changed form - this year. SLC graduates of this school have now started to give services to the people. Many of them are doing their best inside the country and abroad as well especially in Europe. USA. Canada, Australia and Asian countries like Japan, Korea and so on. It is well known to all that sports stars graduated from this school were able to bring the first ever international prize to the nation for the first time in the history of Nepal's participation in the international sports or game competition in women's cricket. In medicine, defense, civil services, banks, forestry, engineering and so many other sectors too they are performing their best.


Message From Chairman


Mr. B.L. Bharati - Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya! B.L. Bharati Founder/Director Green Peace School established in clean, green modern city of Kohalpur has passed its 25 successful years and is now on its way ahead thriving and becoming a piece, replete with scholastic royal jelly to be served to the up-coming generation with the aims and objectives of generating mindful manpower, physically fit, socially sound and emotionally enthusiast to build 'New Nepal' really anew. We are here to inculcate in them the ethics, morality, inclusive nationalism, progressive patriotism, global fraternity and the concept of world citizenship along with an awakening endeavor that makes them aware of awfully worsening environment and disastrously day by day deteriorating climatic …


Message From principal

Mr. Bishnu Bikram Shahi -

As the principal of Green Peace Secondary School, I am deeply committed to providing our students with a nurturing and intellectually stimulating environment where they can thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. Our school's mission is to empower each student to reach their full potential and become responsible global citizens.

At Green Peace Secondary School, we prioritize academic excellence, habit formation, character development, and environmental stewardship. We believe in the transformative power of education to inspire critical thinking, instill values of compassion and inclusivity, and prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities of an ever-changing world.


Frequently Asked Questions

Along with school curricular, co- curricular activities are run to support and make learning much interesting. COCA generally comprises music (dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, drama) Handwriting (Nepali/English), Drawing, painting, sports (Team games, individual games), Quiz, Debate, Elocution, floriculture, Horticulture (gardening) etc.

students should attach with the registration form, the birth certificate and character certificate and mark sheet (Grade Sheet) of the previous school from where he/she has migrated to this school. Student needs to go through entrance exam and only passed students will have eligibility to be admitted (except Nursery).

Examination held in different time will be helpful to find students attitude, aptitude, skill and cognitive capacity.

Along with school curricular, co- curricular activities are run to support and make learning much interesting. COCA generally comprises music (dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, drama) Handwriting (Nepali/English), Drawing, painting, sports (Team games, individual games), Quiz, Debate, Elocution, floriculture, Horticulture (gardening) etc.

In case of minor injuries within the school program, the school will bear the cost of first aid and hospitalization

To enhance students’ physical and mental ability and build up confidence in them competitively students are encouraged to take part in competitions of various scholar or co-curricular activities. For this whole school has been divided into 4 houses namely: a) Oriental House (Green) b) Occidental House (Blue) c) Arctic House (White) d) Antarctic House (Red)

Your Questions